We are Bird, we're curating an outdoor lifestyle store for women, focused on, but not limited to, hiking, cycling, climbing, camping and outdoor swimming. We have currently launched a small selection of accessories with a select few brands as we look to keep growing and expanding in the coming months.
You can head over to our Instagram to see what we've been up to in the last few months and sign up to our newsletter below to keep in touch.

Bird started after spending a lot of time with friends and social groups in the outdoors and realising a couple of things: women are sorely under represented in outdoor stores and what is available can often be uninspiring ...(we mean no disrespect to our elders here we just think there's a lot of rad women out there who deserve our undivided attention).
We are out there and we are taking up the space we deserve in the outdoors communities so why is this not translating in to more outdoors stores?
This disconnect is what led to Bird coming to life!

our goal
We want to redress the imbalance by being one of the first women's outdoor stores in the UK, for women, owned and ran by women.
We are curating a store with a focus of showcasing women owned brands. Whether this is their solo mission or they're part of a team we want to work with brands who have women in decision making positions. Whether they are providing a product specifically designed for women or they are heading up a brand for everyone.
Now, we know that this isn't going to all come together overnight, it's going to be a journey to bring all of these companies together but one that we hope you want to come along for the ride.

We are working to be more than just an online store, we're looking to build a community that not only brings together all of the amazing groups that are already out there blazing a trail but welcomes in anyone who wants to be part of our team.
We currently hold monthly social hikes and bouldering meet ups as well as more sporadic rides. We're keen to build on this with women led bike mechanic workshops, introductions to outdoor swimming, navigation walks, amongst other events. All of our socials and events are (and always will be) women-led.
Our mission, values and principles are currently being honed and we will soon be updating this page...
"I really like the concept behind bird.outdoors- it was great to meet new people and share learning/laughter with like minded people last weekend. We built skills around learning to read maps and the use of a compass and managed to practise these by hiking up Stanage Edge.
Staying over at the yha hostel was great as well- the food provided to us for the weekend was so nice. I'm looking forward to getting involved and attending similar bird.outdoor events."
"The sense of community that Bird Outdoors has fostered amongst women curious and excited to explore the outdoors has been incredible to behold. It’s been one of my favourite things I’ve been a part of this past year. It’s a great space to meet new people, learn about gear and cool women-led projects and businesses, gain new skills and confidence, and most importantly, enjoy some fresh air. Everyone involved has been warm, friendly, and eager to share their experiences and learn from each other. I can’t wait for more hikes, bike rides, trail runs, climbs, navigation courses, and whatever other adventures Bird has in store for the future."